Wednesday, March 15, 2017

What a difference time makes

Coffee in hand, sun shining brightly through the window of my sister's house, and snow on the ground, one thought kept coming to mind, What a difference time makes... whether it is a week, a few months, or a year. While I don't fully agree with the statement Time will heal all wounds, I do feel that in my life time makes a difference, a big difference. After being forced to slow down and rest, this week has consisted of a lot of sitting around, watching, and reflecting. Reflecting on the last week, months, and year. Reflecting on where I was physically, emotionally, and spiritually compared to where I am now. Reflecting on God's constant provisions and reminders of love, no matter what was happening.

This time last year, I would have never imagined much of what the year held. There was no thought of a significant other or a new job or my sister and her family living in Michigan or the loss of a significant other. While I am not sure I would have willingly chosen much of what the year held if I had known the heartache, loss, and struggles that also came, I know that each has brought good in my life. My faith and trust in God has been tested and strengthened as I learned to cry out honest prayers and seek His face through it all. I have learned the depth of His love through those around me. What a difference time makes.

This time just a few months ago, my trip to Michigan carried a much different tone than it has this week. Feeling the freshness of heartache and the overwhelming uncertainty of what the future held, the trip carried with it a sadness of what was lost. The gloomy weather of the week only seemed to add to how I felt on the inside. Yes, I was thankful to be with my sister and her family in their new home, but yes, there was hurt I can't deny. Fast forward just a few short months, and the trip this time carries hope and excitement of what is to come. The week has been filled with brilliant sunshine (with freeeeeezing temperatures), a sweet gift of snow for the girls, and a brightness that comes when the sun and snow collide. With healing in between then and now, I am hopeful of the future and certain that God knows best.  What a difference time makes. 

This time last week, I was sitting in a hospital bed, recovering from an emergency appendectomy, unsure I would even be able to make the trip to Michigan. The weeks leading up to the surgery held physical pain and really no reason of why. Completely exhausted and running on empty, my body gave way and my appendix made it known that something was wrong. With no options to work or do or go, I sat and sat some more and sat even more. I slept and slept some more and slept even more. The trip to Michigan was a go, thanks to the best nurse and mom I could ever ask for, as long as I rested. Not without a few moments of frustration from surgery, this week has been one of restoration in a way I didn't expect. What a difference time makes. 

This time I can tell you the picture is filled with so much hope, anticipation, and joy. This picture is one that tells of God's provisions in more ways than I can explain right now. It tells of His perfect timing and unending love. It tells of healing and restoration. This picture holds memories of sweet cheers of excitement- MK is pumped about another baby brother in the family. It holds genuine smiles. This picture is one I will hold dear as a reminder that time makes a difference, healing is possible, and hope is here.

I don't know what you are going through in your life. I don't know what hurt and disappointments you may find yourself experiencing in the moment. I don't know if you relate more to where I was this time last year, a few months ago, or last week. Whatever it is you are going through, I encourage you to keep walking forward, keep putting one foot in front of the other. As you do, I think you will look up one day, just like I have, surprised and thankful for where you've been and where you are going. While you will never hear me say Time heals all wounds, you will hear me say What a difference time makes.  

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