Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Owning Our Stories

Sharing my story and opening my life up to the readers is by far one of the hardest things about writing. Inviting you into my story requires me to face my fears of rejection, judgement, and the constant whispers of, you shouldn't have said that. But here is what I know, connecting with one person and letting them know they are not alone is always worth it. 

Our stories are important. Each one is unique, with its own set of triumphs and struggles. They cannot be compared to another, measured up as easier, harder, or anything in between. When we compare our story to someone else's, we diminish the value of who they are, where they have been, and where they are going. When I compare myself or others, I take value away from my story and theirs. I am unable to show compassion and empathy. When I compare, I say our stories are only as important as the ones I am comparing them to.

We begin to believe that our story is not good enough, elaborate enough, adventurous enough. Comparing ourselves to others leads to thinking we aren't good enough, aren't worthy of whatever it is we think we are "missing," or that there must be something wrong with me. Comparing ourselves can lead to thinking we are better than those around us. We begin to believe that our story, our walk through life, is so much more difficult than so and so's life. If only they knew... Whichever direction you go, comparisons are dangerous. 

My story is just that, My story. It is the narrative of the places I have been, the interactions I have had with those around me, and the places I still hope to go. My story is one of God's grace, mercy, and love. My story is one of betrayal, rebellion, and sin. My story is one of redemption, healing, and forgiveness. My story includes time of deep sadness and immense joy. My story includes U-turns, wrong ways, faster routes, and prolonged delays. 

No matter what your story, know that it is important. Your story matters. Know that your story is unique to you. Know that your story has value. While our stories often feel like sloppy rough drafts that we wish we could rewrite at times, each piece is key to who you are today. Each minute, each hour, each day, each week, has brought you to this moment. And that was not by accident.  

Brene Brown's work has been instrumental in my healing and growth over the last few months. Owning our stories is life changing. Owning our stories allows us to be real and vulnerable with ourselves, God, and the people around us. Owning our stories means we acknowledge the parts we absolutely love and the parts that bring us to tears. Owning our stories is brave and showing ourselves love through that takes courage. No matter what your story is, what you hoped it would be by now, and what you want for tomorrow, know that when we invite people in to see the real us, we are BRAVE.

Welcome to my story, Bitter, Party of 1. What's your story?

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